品牌: 西门子
货期: 现货
产地: 德国
报价: 4600.00元/件
最小起订: 1
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2023-03-18 19:29
浏览次数: 355
手机号: 15021292620
电话: 15021292620
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SIMATIC S7-1500, 数字量输出模块, DQ32xDC 24V/0.5A BA, 32 条通道,每组 8 条, 4A 每组; 模块支持 安全 断开负载组 至 SIL2 根据 ENIEC 62061:2021 和 Category 3 / PL d 根据 EN ISO 13849-1:2015。 供货范围包括前连接器 直插式


7KN Powercenter 3000 电源管理系统用于 SENTRON 和 SIRIUS 设备 检测,归档和 可视化测量值、 状态信息和消息 10 种语言的 Web 服务器 可选数据传输到 MindSphere 和其他云 平台,如 AWS,AZURE … 支持能源管理 例如 ISO 50001,50003,50006 和能源审计,例如 DIN 16247 IBS 使用 SENTRON powerconfig 或在 Web UI 中独立运行

Efficient power distribution thanks to optimally adapted software

The SENTRON protection, switching and measuring devices ensure safety and profitability for power distribution. The devices are made even more efficient by software products for fast, simple configuration and reliable monitoring, or when getting started with power management – and thus make a contribution toward saving costs and increasing plant availability.

我公司经营西门子全新原装现货PLC;S7-200S7-300 S7-400 S7-1200 触摸屏,变频器,6FC,
6SNS120 V10 V60 V80伺服数控备件:原装进口电机(1LA7、1LG4、1LA9、1LE1),国产电机(1LG0,1LE0)

SENTRON powermanager


SENTRON powermanager

Maximum functionality for transparent energy distribution

Rising energy prices and an increased sensitivity to environmental issues are causing many companies to take a critical look at their energy re Therefore, in order to achieve sustainable business goals, it is particularly important to collect energy data from all areas of the company and to visualize it clearly and easily understandable - as with the energy monitoring software SENTRON powermanager.


  • High Transparency: Power energy savings can be achieved by evaluating peak loads and power curve can be achieved

  • Tailored to the re of small and medium-sized enterprises in industry and infrastructure

  • Basis for in-house energy management according to ISO 50001

  • High system availability through condition-based maintenance

  • Optimum investment protection for existing e through possible integration of SENTRON devices and other Modbus devices (also 3rd party).



Industrial plants


E.g. hotel chains, shopping malls, research facilities: Location-independent and multi-location power monitoring via standard IT networks, with cost center-specific billing

E.g. large bakeries, automotive industry, furniture industry: Identify existing peak loads and prevent them in the future using trend analyses

E.g. data centers, logistics centers, hospitals: Avoid system outages and critical situations in your power supply system



Basic package

The basic package comes with the software for installation on the server and client and already includes up to ten devices and one client. A web license and a report license are also included. As an option, this basic license can also be expanded by four option packs:


Device package

This allows the number of devices to be flexibly increased.


"Graphic editor" Option Package

Any of freely configurable system images can be created and displayed.


„Client" package

A Windows client is used for project visualization and configuration of several PCs simultaneously. The client license lies on the server.


„Distributed Systems" option package

Coupling several, independent powermanager systems. Each system can access the measured values and alarms of the others and visualize them.


Changelog powermanager V5.1:
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements

  • Stability and system improvements

  • Usability improvements for reports and navigation

  • Sector and area overview

  • Extended device library

    • 3WA Air Circuit Breaker

    • 7KM PAC2200 CLP E

  • Additional reports

    • Sankey Diagram

    • Third Party Delimitation Report (Option - CLP-Report)

Differentiation between powermanager classic (old) and powermanager (new):

powermanager classic




Compatible devices:

Supply devices:


Logical devices:

  • PAC1200

  • PAC1600

  • PAC2200

  • PAC2200CLP

  • PAC3100

  • PAC3120

  • PAC3200

  • PAC3200T

  • PAC3220

  • PAC4200

  • SEM3

  • PAC5100/5200

  • Mean value

  • Calculated value

  • Converter

  • KPI

  • Virtual counter

  • External devices

Circuit breaker:

  • 3VA2_ETU8/ETU5

  • 3WL

  • 3WA

  • 3WL10

  • 3VA27


Minimum re for physical machines:

Hardware type


Small or medium server

Large server

Category name





Core i5 or comparable
>= 3.0 GHz
2 cores

Core i7 or comparable
>= 3.2 GHz
4 cores per running system


8 GB

32 GB

64 GB

Hard disk

1 x 256 GB SSD

1 x 1024 GB SSD

Network card

Gigabit speed

Minimum re for virtual machines:


2 vCPUs assigned to the VM
>= 3.0 GHz

42 vCPUs assigned to the VM
>= 3.2 GHz

Operating systems:

Powermanager's servers and installed clients run on the following Microsoft operating systems and editions:

  • Microsoft® Windows 10 64-bit (Professional and Enterprise).

  • Microsoft® Windows Server 2012 R2 64-bit

  • Microsoft® Windows Server 2016 64-bit

  • Microsoft® Windows Server 2019 64-bit

Powermanager is compatible with .NET framework version 4.7.2 or higher.

The web clients and Windows App Clients run on the following Microsoft operating systems and editions:

  • Microsoft® Windows 7 64-bit (Professional and Enterprise).

  • Microsoft® Windows 10 64-bit (Professional and Enterprise).

The web clients are only compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.

Powermanager system limits


Medium system

Large system

Number of devices



Number of archived energy properties

1000 properties with a query interval of 10 seconds (default)

1400 properties with a query interval of 20 seconds

Number of archived non-energy related properties

500 properties with a query interval of 10 seconds

700 properties with a query interval of 10 seconds


  • In a decentralized setup, systems can be scaled to support up to 1000+ devices.

  • For estimations/calculations, consider each PAC1200/PAC4200/SEM3 device as e to 10 "normal" devices.

  • Consider enabling driver smoothing and time-based smoothing to achieve better results.

  • 地址:上海市松江区石湖荡镇塔汇路755弄29号1幢一层A区213室
  • 电话:15021292620
  • 手机:15021292620
  • 联系人:颜娟